The Light-Hearted Folly

Matta A. Rhymes

(aka: "Mother Goose" & Storyteller Extraordinaire)

I suppose I should start with the sassy country girl bit. I grew up tough as nails. My family consisted of Ma, Pa, and Lori, also Uncle Mac (You know him as Old MacDonald) And no one can ever forget about my wonderful Gramma G. She was the coffee drinkin', live storytellin', good listening, and explaining awesome gramma that anyone would ever hope for! 

After I was out of the town school, I went off to a girl’s school in the city of Ashten. I will tell you right now that there was no point in that fiddle faddle. However, people felt educatin' me on how to be all prim and proper might be a good thing. Clearly, these folks don’t know me that well because I will always speak what I’m thinkin’. 

My little country town of Westler is kinda out in the boon & burleys. I chose to go back to the country after my schoolin' because I like peace and quiet. My favorite thing to do is to wander around and have a good think. You know, sort stuff put that I’ve been ponderin’.  

Life consists of just me and my very big trouble-makin' goose, Petra. The town’s children got to callin' me “Mother Goose” because children are, well, children and there’s no two ways about that. My stories have had children as active participants in them anyway. Come to learn, most children are much smarter than I originally gave them credit for and tend to be polite. 

The whole storytelling & entertainin' people, well that happened later in life. Came about because this gentleman from a far off place tried to pen my stories. TRIED. You know what I got instead? Rhymes. No backstories, just short little rhymes because he felt you wouldn't care about what happened that these rhymes are based off of.

I was on the verge of boxin' his ears when my friend Anne suggested that I tell you the real tales.

I truely hope you enjoy them!

Honestly, could keep tellin' until I'm blue in the face and about to pass out! However, it is long past sleepy time, so they'll have to wait for another day, at another time, in another land far, far away.


Matta A. Rhymes

"Mother Goose" & Storyteller

"They were all just delightful.  I can just imagine you reading them to all the "little rascals". You're a gift to the literary world."

~Lois K.

"These are great stories that I enjoyed as a kid and love even more as an adult. The simple change in perspective added to this book allows it to remain classic but still fresh so that both a child and an adult will still love to pick this one up.  You can’t miss with these nursery rhymes." 

~Joshua J.

"If you have a working knowledge of the original fables, be prepared to rediscover them as told by Mother Goose's wild child. Enjoy."

~Chris L.


The Second Side Series

"This novel has mysteries and magic, and the ending is ripe for a much needed sequel."


"This book (Gossip) will bring the original fairy tale to life in a whole new perspective."

~Amazon Customer

"Awesome story! I can't wait to see what comes next in the series. Cay has an amazing imagination and a truly artful way of sharing it with us all!"

~Leah F.

~The Fairy Taler~

& Storyteller

Cay Templeton (~The Fairy Taler~ & Storyteller) grew up in a small, country town in Maryland. The quiet gave her time to think, to listen, and to wander. Between the differences of the town and the country that laid just beyond, Cay developed a sense for things under the surface.

As she grew up, Cay learned to recognize those differences: rich versus poor, liberal versus conservative, and city versus country. Through investigation, Cay began to understand that there’s never one side that has the full story. As people take sides, they miss out on other perspectives and even lose track of things that could help them.

Chasing her love for storytelling, Cay earned BA’s in Film and Theatre from Towson University. She then went on to Wilkes University, where
she earned an MA in Creative Writing.

A month after she graduated, she found herself working in the D.C. Production Office on the film National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets.
Once the film completed there, she found the courage to pack up and begin her biggest journey yet – across the country to Hollywood.

To this day, Cay works on writing more installments to the Second Side Series. The theme of missing perspectives runs through her signature
twisted fairy tale series: Reversal of BeautyGossip: The Evil Stepmother’s TaleStalked: The Conti Rose, and Stalked: The Eastern Passage

~The Fairy Taler~ is always on the lookout for the next fairy tale that has a ‘Second Side’ to it which people should hear.